As the Beloved Daughters Team prepared for their first annual women's conference together in prayer they created this litany.
We invite you to take one or two phrases from this litany and spend time with our Lord unpacking how the phrase relates to your own personal life.
Our prayer is that this litany will draw each of you into deeper intimacy with God our Father while restoring your thoughts on femininity.
Litany of the Feminine Heart
From the temptation to question your Fatherhood,
Father, restore my heart.
From the temptation to doubt your goodness…
From seeing myself as too much or not enough…
From identifying my worth through the lens of harmful self-talk…
From the temptation to minimize or reject my femininity…
From the fear of being vulnerable…
From the temptation to control relationships and circumstances…
From the temptation to define myself by the expectations and opinions of others…
From any shame regarding my sexuality…
From the wounds of broken relationships…
From the temptation to reduce men and their giftedness…
From jealousy and comparison…
From the temptation to view my femininity as an obstacle to achieving my goals…
From the temptation to wound others with my words…
From the temptation to grasp at others to fill a void…
That I may come to know you as my Father,
Father, I trust in you.
That I may believe in your goodness and trust in the plans that you have for my life…
That I may let myself be loved by You…
That I may see my femininity as a gift…
That I may see receptivity, generosity, maternity, and sensitivity as attributes of my feminine genius…
For the grace to discover the unique ways in which You desire for me to live these attributes out…
For the ability to see myself as good…
For the ability to see myself as chosen and cherished by you…
That I may see myself as worthy of being loved…
That I may see my sexuality as a gift…
That I may honour my limitations and see myself worthy of rest…
That I may nurture my relationships and interactions with others…
That I may reveal the unique beauty and giftedness of each person before me...
That I may have eyes to see your thoughtful design in the differences between males and females…
That I may learn from Mother Mary how to live out my identity as a beloved daughter of God…
That I may learn from Mother Mary how to continually ponder all the truths of who I am, and whose I am…
Rest and dwell within me oh God, that only through your abundant love and tenderness I may be healed and restored as your beloved daughter.
Written by: The Beloved Daughters Ministry Team
Prayer Card Design by: Friends in High Places