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Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

Image: Our Lady of the Rosary- Charles Bosseron Chambers

Date: October 7, 2022

By: Veronica H.

The Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary celebrates the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Lepanto by the Holy League on October 7, 1571.[1] Despite the very powerful Turkish forces, the Christians won the battle due to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Pope Pius V and all Christians prayed the Holy Rosary to obtain victory in this battle. Our Holy Mother the Church has dedicated the month of October to the Holy Rosary and encourages all her children to pray the Rosary daily. This month is the perfect time to increase our fervor in praying this most recommended and powerful devotion.

“The Rosary is the most beautiful and most rich in grace of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of God… and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary.” – Pope St. Pius X

Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. was known to say, “the family that prays together stays together.”[2] As a child, my family would often pray the rosary together before bed. We fell out of this practice when we became teenagers, and our schedules became busier. Although we only spent a few years praying the rosary together as a family, Our Lady heard our prayers and through her intercession, graces have been poured out on my family in ways that are seen and unseen.

“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!” St. Padre Pio

During my years of university, I joined in with a group of ladies before Mass to pray the Rosary. This was a significant moment in my relationship with Our Lady and the beginning of praying the Holy Rosary daily. Throughout this time, I developed a greater love for the Rosary and Our Lady led me closer to Jesus through my growing devotion to her.

“You know what Our Lady said about the Rosary? That the whole world would change if everybody said it… If my Mother says, ‘Say it,’ I’m gonna say it.” Mother Angelica

In recent years, I learned about the powerful 54 day Rosary Novena. At various points in my life, I have turned to the intercession of Our Lady in praying the novena when making important decisions or for specific intentions. After completing the novena, even if the answer is not clear, I have peace of soul that Our Lady is watching over my salvation and wanting only what is good for my soul.

In our own country, the story of Our Lady of the Cape and the many miracles that occurred gives evidence to the power of the intercession of the Blessed Mother and the prayers of the Holy Rosary. Fr. Desilets vowed to Our Lady that he would spend the rest of his life promoting the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary.[3] The tiny church in the middle of Quebec was transformed into a national Shrine and devotion to Our Lady of the Cape grew among the people of Canada.

“You always leave the Rosary for later, and you end up not saying it at all because you are sleepy. If there is no other time, say it in the street without letting anybody notice it. It will, moreover, help you to have the presence of God.” St. Josemaria Escriva

Sometimes, praying the rosary and meditation on the mysteries comes with ease. However, in general, I struggle to maintain my concentration and to not fall into rote recitation while praying the rosary. This battle helps to keep me humble and reminds me of my need of God’s help in all things, most especially prayer. I am challenged to increase my faith in the unseen work of prayer and to trust in the promises of Our Lady for those who faithfully pray the rosary.

Jesus Christ, the divine Spouse of our souls and our very dear Friend wishes us to remember His goodness to us and all His gifts and wants us to prize them above all else. Whenever we meditate devoutly and lovingly upon the sacred mysteries of the Rosary, Our Lord has an accidental joy and so has Our Lady and all the saints in heaven.” St. Louis de Monfort [4]

Over the past month, I’ve been reading “The Secret of the Rosary” written by St. Louis de Montfort. I highly recommend this beautifully written to book to everyone to increase your devotion to the Holy Rosary, and your love of our Lord and Our Lady. St. Louis de Monfort urges us to pray the Rosary for our salvation and the salvation of the world, to obtain world peace, for blessings in the family, for courage in the hardships of life, as a ready and easy means of preserving the faith, for healing the evils of our day, as a means of Christian perfection, for success in one’s vocation in life, as powerful means of obtaining graces from God, and for final perseverance.

During the month of October, let us grow in our love of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and take up the weapon of the Rosary to do battle in our world, which is so in need of prayer.


[1] “What is the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary?” ETWN, Accessed 3 September 2022. [2] “Who was Father Peyton?” Holy Cross Family Ministries, Accessed 3 October 2022. [3] “Mary’s Blueprint: The Call to Confraternity!” Our Lady of the Cape Shrine, Accessed 3 October 2022. [4] De Montfort, St. Louis, The Secret of the Rosary. Translated by Mary Barbour, T.O.P, TAN Books, 1987, p.65.


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